Be A Change Navigator – Leading Self & Others through transitions
Change Management - “It’s Not the Change, It’s the People”
Today's business environment requires companies to undergo changes almost constantly if they need to remain competitive. Change occurs when a company makes a transition from its current state to some desired future state. Organizational change initiatives often arise out of problems faced by a company. In some cases, however, companies change under the impetus of enlightened leaders who first recognize and then exploit new potentials dormant in the organization or its circumstances.
Managing change is the very important process. Planning and implementing change in organizations are needed as to minimize employee resistance and organization cost while simultaneously maximizing the effectiveness of the change effort.
To be successful, managerial actions, techniques and tools need to take in place, as to help companies transform quickly. This session seek to address the root of what really matters in change: people. A lot is known why change fails and there are two core reasons: ineffective managers and resistance from employees. So it is suggested to emphasize the change impact on human and emotional experiences and reactions of people as they transit through it. More importantly is to discover about what factors are present when change initiatives succeed, such as positive as well as negative messages, people collaboration, clear communication about how the change will occur, senioe leader supports and clear goals.
“It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions.” (William Bridges - Managing Transitions)

Management vs. Leadership
Change management on a broad scale is a logical process. It’s all about planning, structure, systems, training and broad communication through detailed organization.
Change leadership on any scale is a psychological process. It’s all about the trust, caring, and honest communications that underlie all successful human relationships.
Two Dimensions of Change
Structural Event
· New job
· New boss
· Reengineering
· New Technology
· Merger/Acquisition
· New systems
· Revised job
· Personal
Psychological Response
· The process we go through to adjust to the new situation (fear, excitement, anxiety, suspense disappointment)
· “Emotions”
CSI Does:
· Offer an explanation of preferred style for initiating & dealing with change
· Describe three change style preferences…more personality influenced than situationally influenced
· Create an appreciation for change-style diversity
CSI Does Not:
· Present a right or wrong, “better” or “worse” change style
· Measure competence in initiating & managing change
· Limit individuals to predetermined responses to change
CSI - The Three Styles

Social networks